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Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

ASCA Manhattan

Welcome to

ASCA Manhattan is a peer-led self-help support group for adult, non-abusing survivors of any type of abuse and/or neglect suffered during childhood, including physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse.


​ASCA is an innovative and effective support program designed specifically for adult survivors of physical, sexual, or emotional child abuse or neglect. The program was designed to support and assist survivors of child abuse, irrespective of their financial situation, in moving on with their lives. Read more

ASCA meetings are peer-led self-help support groups. The meetings are anonymous and very structured, with a format and guidelines to promote safety of all participants. We meet in Manhattan on the second and last Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm - 8:00pm.


To join our meetings, email


If you are new to ASCA, we recommend starting by reading the meeting materials, including a welcome handout and the Survivor to Thriver manual.  

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